On Board Treatment of Ballast Water (Technologies Development and Applications) and Application of Low-sulphur Marine Fuel


Public Reports

There is a growing concern about the damage to aquatic ecosystem caused by immigration of non-indigenous species. It is estimated that more than 10,000 million tonnes of ballast water is transported by shipping activities annually, and ballast water has been recognised as a major vector for the transplant of aquatic species across bio-geographical boundaries.

As another important environmental issue, fuel quality studies are proposed based on national incentives and environmental analyses of impact from shipping where choice and present status of quality of marine bunker fuel has become an important issue. Even after full implementation of all existing and anticipated measures to land-based emission sources, sensitive ecosystems will still receive sulphur deposition in 2010 that exceeds critical loads.

On Board Treatment of Ballast Water and Application of Low-sulphur Marine Fuel (MARTOB), is a three year project, €3.5 million initiative under the Competitive and Sustainable Growth (GROWTH) Programme, funded by European Commission.



  • to investigate methodologies and technologies for preventing the introduction of nonindigenous species through ships' ballast water.
  • to develop design tools and treatment equipment to be used in the further development of ballast water treatment techniques.
  • to assess the effectiveness, safety, and environmental and economic aspects of current and newly developed methods.
  • to develop cost-effective (capital and operating), safe, environmentally friendly on board ballast water treatment methods which have a minimum impact on ship operations.
  • to produce guidelines for crew training and criteria for selecting an appropriate ballast water management method.
  • to assess the financial, technical and operational effects of a sulphur cap on marine bunker fuel in European waters, and propose a verification scheme ensuring compliance with a sulphur cap from all players in the market.
  • to help to facilitate the introduction of an important sulphur emission abatement measure without unintentional distortion of competition in the shipping market.

For further details please explore our website. Alternatively, contact us by e-mail: Martob Coordinator




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