On Board Treatment of Ballast Water (Technologies Development and Applications) and Application of Low-sulphur Marine Fuel


Public Reports

On Board Treatment of Ballast Water and Application of Low-sulphur Marine Fuel (MARTOB), is a three year project, €3.5 million initiative under the Competitive and Sustainable Growth (GROWTH) Programme, funded by European Commission.


The project started on the 1st of April 2001 and was completed on the 30th of June2004.


MARTOB has a consortium of 24 Partners of which are:

  • 2 - Universities
  • 7 - Marine environmental research institutes
  • 1 - Classification Society
  • 3 - Marine consultant companies
  • 3 - Ship owner associations
  • 3- Ship owners
  • 3 - Equipment manuacturers
  • 1 - Marine engines manufacturer
  • 1 - Oil company
A cluster was created between MARTOB and SEAM (Assessing Concepts, Systems and Tools for Safer, Efficient and Environmentally Aware and Friendly Maritime Transports) which is a research project also funded by the European Commissiom


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